Sign up for our REWARDS program!!
Join our online class for a unique painting experience and learn to create a stunning portrait of the Highland Furry Cow adorned with sunflowers and wearing a cozy scarf. Become a member today! Participate in the Little August Ranch's Highland Furry Cow LIVE Virtual Paint Party.
Experience the beauty of a Little August Ranch Highland Furry Cow adorned with vibrant sunflowers through this captivating painting. Embark on an immersive online class to unlock your artistic potential with a membership in the Highland Furry Cow LIVE Virtual Paint Party.

Highland Furry Cow LIVE Virtual Paint Party

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INCLUDED in your SHELFie Membership for September's box!!!

This class will be taught online on:


The class will run 90 minutes to 2 hours, depending on live questions, rabbit trails, squirrels and what ever may be in the teachers coffee cup!ย 

Seriously though- I am SO excited to be able to teach once again!! This painting is bright, colorful and so much fun- but you really do not need any painting experience to create this!!

The live recording will posted to our private group so that those who can not attend live can still participate. Feel free to go back and use this class as often as you'd like! It will remain on fb as long as fb remains- as well as our membership portal!

I will be painting the Christmas version- but tracers and instruction to modify will be taught!

What you get:

  • List of supplies needed
  • Special "tracer" for those that don't want to freehand (highly recommend)
  • Tips and tricks
  • An evening of fun and fellowship with ladies from coast to coast!
  • Access to the teaching for a full year, via the private group!
What you need to bring:
  • A sense of adventure
  • Favorite beverageย ย 
  • Something to paint on (canvas, wood, etc- I'll talk more in the Fb group)
  • Paintย 
  • Brushes

I will walk you through everything you need to bring BEFORE the class. Seriously fun!

The colors I suggest are SUGGESTIONS!! Please feel absolutely free to copy as is or make your own twist! This is your painting, your way!ย ย 

Live in North Phoenix? I will be teaching this LIVE in person as well!ย ย Bring your own snacks & drinks....although chocolate might happen.

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