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I Can't Fix Stupid -Surfboard Pool Decor

I Can't Fix Stupid -Surfboard Pool Decor

Surfboard Pool Sign Decor
I Can't Fix Stupid, But I Can Fix a Drink
Completely raised 3D detailed on all elements!

Here comes summer! As a California raised beach girl I have always loved bright outdoor decor- it's so much fun!

These faux surfboard lay out the rules to your guests in a fun festive look! They are 24" long. They feature 3D raised lettering and eliminates!

Although coated with extra poly, keep in mind that wood doesn't love water and direct sun- no surfing on these boards! A covered patio is the best spot.


**Sawtooth hanger can be added to the back upon request.

This item it 100% hand created and hand painted, on our little sign & home decor ranch in Arizona, USA.

🏄‍♀️Ask about personalization!

All of our tiered tray DIY sets come with:
🌵Wood pieces shown
🌵Basic instruction sheet

This is a DIY paint and decorate your own kit. Only the wood items will be sent to you. More photos and ideas can be found on my private VIP facebook group page, request joining after purchase!

See finished ideas in our VIP facebook group!

Thank you for supporting our mom and pop handmade shop, located in Arizona, USA 🌵🇺🇸

Materials: Baltic Birch, Maple, Acrylic Paint, Poly Finish.

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