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Winter Gumball Machine Filler - DIY Gumball Filler Craft Kit featuring winter-themed craft supplies, including snowman cutouts, wood pieces, snowflakes, a paintbrush, and jars with red and teal lids. Perfect for decorating a tiered tray. Labeled "Lit
A green jar filled with Winter Gumball Machine Filler - DIY Gumball Filler Craft Kit by Little August Ranch, accompanied by wooden snowflake ornaments, a blue "Let it snow" sign, and a wooden spoon with marshmallow accents—all perfect elements for cr
A red-lidded glass jar on a red base holds snowflake-shaped cookies with white icing, perfect for a holiday DIY kit. One cookie rests at the base of the jar. The Winter Gumball Machine Filler - DIY Gumball Filler Craft Kit by Little August Ranch is a
A red gum ball machine filled with wooden discs painted to look like snowman faces, including one disc placed outside on the base, makes a charming addition to any tiered tray. The Winter Gumball Machine Filler - DIY Gumball Filler Craft Kit by Littl
A red gumball machine filled with various felt shapes, including a carrot, googly eyes, and a black hat—perfect as a charming DIY kit for your tiered tray décor from Little August Ranch called the Winter Gumball Machine Filler - DIY Gumball Filler Cr
Five wooden discs with engraved snowman faces are arranged on a circular wooden surface with visible tree rings and a cracked center, perfect for adding to your Winter Gumball Machine Filler - DIY Gumball Filler Craft Kit by Little August Ranch or ti
The Winter Gumball Machine Filler - DIY Gumball Filler Craft Kit by Little August Ranch features wooden cutouts of a snowperson's components, including a hat, arms, buttons, a carrot nose, and body shapes, beautifully arranged on a tree slice with vi
Five pieces of the Winter Gumball Machine Filler - DIY Gumball Filler Craft Kit by Little August Ranch are artfully arranged on a round wooden slab with visible rings and a crack, creating a charming centerpiece for your tiered tray.

Winter Gumball Machine Filler - DIY Gumball Filler Craft Kit

Winter - Snowman - Melted Snowman - Snowflake Candy Machine Wood Pieces - Only the filler inserts for the specific set you order will be sent. Other pieces shown are available in our Etsy store.

Pieces vary in size, typically 2-3".
Center piece comes with a base for standing.

We used a gumball ceramic container from Hobby Lobby. Target also carries a similar size. In addition these look great on a tiered tray, mason jar, or bowl!

Bundle all 3 and save on shipping!

This is a DIY paint and decorate your own kit. Only the wood items will be sent to you. More photos and ideas can be found on my private VIP facebook group page, request joining - link below.

All of our tiered tray DIY sets come with:
🌵Wood pieces shown
🌵Basic instruction sheet

FB Group: Paint and Craft VIP with Gina

All of our tiered tray DIY sets come with:
🌵Wood pieces shown
🌵Basic instruction sheet

This is a DIY paint and decorate your own kit. Only the wood items will be sent to you. More photos and ideas can be found on my private VIP facebook group page, request joining after purchase!

See finished ideas in our VIP facebook group!

Thank you for supporting our mom and pop handmade shop, located in Pennsyvania, USA 🌵🇺🇸

Materials: Baltic Birch.

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