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Sunflower Basket Standing with Base - DIY Paint Kit Wood Blanks

Sunflower Basket Standing with Base - DIY Paint Kit Wood Blanks *NOT our interchangeable

This is a DIY paint and decorate your own kit. Only the wood items will be sent to you. More photos and ideas can be found on my private VIP facebook group page, request joining after purchase!

Approx Size:

All of our tiered tray DIY sets come with:
🌵Wood pieces shown
🌵 See our tips, tricks and helps in our FB Group

FB Group: Paint and Craft VIP with Gina

Thank you for supporting our small business mom and pop shop, hand made 9in AZ, USA

All of our tiered tray DIY sets come with:
🌵Wood pieces shown
🌵Basic instruction sheet

This is a DIY paint and decorate your own kit. Only the wood items will be sent to you. More photos and ideas can be found on my private VIP facebook group page, request joining after purchase!

See finished ideas in our VIP facebook group!

Thank you for supporting our mom and pop handmade shop, located in Arizona, USA 🌵🇺🇸

Materials: wood.

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