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DIY kit display featuring wooden cutouts of lemon and lemonade-themed decorations, paintbrushes, and paints for a tiered tray, labeled as "Little August Ranch Lemon Tiered Tray DIY Paint Kit - Farmers Market Wood Blanks - U-Pick- Summer Paint Kit.
Wooden lemonade-themed craft pieces, including a pitcher, lemon slices, and signs from the Lemon Tiered Tray DIY Paint Kit - Farmers Market Wood Blanks - U-Pick- Summer Paint Kit by Little August Ranch, displayed on a gray wooden background.
Wooden sign saying "FRESHLY SQUEEZED" for 25 cents, featuring a stylized juice glass design, included in a Lemon Tiered Tray DIY Paint Kit - Farmers Market Wood Blanks - U-Pick- Summer Paint Kit by Little August Ranch, mounted on a gray wooden backgr
Wooden coaster engraved with the phrase "Squeeze the day" and an image of a lemon half, set on a gray wood surface from the Little August Ranch Lemon Tiered Tray DIY Paint Kit - Farmers Market Wood Blanks - U-Pick- Summer Paint Kit.
Wooden plaque shaped like a mason jar from a Lemon Tiered Tray DIY Paint Kit - Farmers Market Wood Blanks - U-Pick- Summer Paint Kit, with the words "Fresh Lemonade" and "25¢" carved out, accompanied by a wooden straw, against a gray wood background.
Wooden sign featuring the words "Pucker Up" with a stylized illustration of lips, crafted from layered wood pieces on a gray background, perfect for your Lemon Tiered Tray DIY Paint Kit by Little August Ranch.
Seven wooden triangle charms with heart cutouts arranged in a circular pattern on a gray textured background, perfect for your Lemon Tiered Tray DIY Paint Kit - Farmers Market Wood Blanks - U-Pick- Summer Paint Kit from Little August Ranch.

Lemon Tiered Tray DIY Paint Kit - Farmers Market Wood Blanks - U-Pick- Summer Paint Kit

DIY Lemonade Tiered Tray Kit - Farmers Market Paint Kit

This is a DIY paint and decorate your own kit. Only the wood items will be sent to you. More photos and ideas can be found on my private VIP facebook group page, request joining after purchase!

All of our tiered tray DIY sets come with:
🌵Wood pieces shown
🌵Basic instruction sheet

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