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Gingerbread Tiered Tray Set

Gingerbread Tiered Tray Set

Our little painted pieces are ready to complete your tray! Choose the whole set or by the piece.

Although these small decor pieces are titled "Tired Tray"- they certainly are not limited to where you place them!! Perfect little "pop" of decor for your home or office. Get creative and share your photos with us!

Size is approximate

🎄Gingerbread Couple 3.5" each
🎄Gingerbread House 4 1/4"
🎄Gingerbread Baking
🎄Offical Cookie Tester
🎄 Baked with Love
🎄Banner pieces

This is a painted set. See our unfinished DIY section if you prefer to paint your own!

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