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A DIY Halloween Tiered Tray - Candy Corn Tier Tray Bundle made by Little August Ranch, perfect for displaying on a tiered tray. This fun and cheeky sign declares "I'm just here for the candy".
Halloween October 31 DIY Halloween Tiered Tray - Candy Corn Tier Tray Bundle wooden cutouts with spooky and festive designs, perfect for displaying on a tiered tray or incorporating into your collection of wooden pieces from Little August Ranch.

DIY Halloween Tiered Tray - Candy Corn Tier Tray Bundle

Halloween Tiered Tray Wood Pieces Kit

This is a DIY paint and decorate your own kit. Only the wood items will be sent to you. More photos and ideas can be found on my private VIP facebook group page, request joining after purchase!

All of our tiered tray DIY sets come with:
🌵Wood pieces shown
🌵2- Special sponge daubers
🌵Basic instruction sheet
🌵Reuse shipping box for organized storage!

FB Group: Paint and Craft VIP with Gina
*Discount Code*

*This item is also available finished. See it in my Etsy Store under Tiered Tray section.

MATERIAL USED: We use either the BEST quality MDF or Baltic Birch that we can find for our DIY kits. These certainly are challenging times, as you are awear! The handmade industry has been hit hard, however we have managed to secure some very nice materials and connected with fabulous trusted suppliers. If you have a preference of MDF over Baltic Birch (wood) or vise versa, please let me know. Otherwise I will send you what I feel is best for the set.

Personally I love painting on both surfaces for different reasons. MDF uses less paint and is very smooth- a brush does the happy dance as it glides right over! Wood is the choice if you plan on using any stain or finishing techniques like sanding or the famous "baby wipe method".

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